
The school district understands that elementary aged students are subject to various childhood diseases/operations that may cause a child to be absent for a longer period of time. In these instances, consideration will be taken. The implementation of the attendance policy for the Herkimer Elementary School is not intended to encourage students to attend school when they are sick.  Parents/guardians are asked to use their judgment in determining attendance at the time of their child’s illness.

HCS District Attendance Policy

The attendance officer will provide the principal with updates of students who have accumulated 10, 15, 20, and 30 unexcused absences, tardiness, and early departures.

  1. Upon the tenth absence from school, the principal or designee will send a letter home to advise the parents/guardians of the situation, with a copy forwarded to the teacher.
  2. Upon the fifteenth absence from school, the principal or designee will telephone the parents/guardians to discuss the record of absences. A follow up letter will be sent and a copy forwarded to the teacher.
  3. Upon the twentieth absence from school, the principal or designee will request a meeting with the parents/guardians and if appropriate, the student to discuss their attendance. The reasons for the absences, tardiness, or early departures and ways to reduce or eliminate them will be discussed.  The classroom teacher will attend this meeting.  A letter will be sent to the parents/guardians summarizing the meeting and reinforcing the topics addressed.
  4. After the thirtieth absence from school, the principal will issue a letter notifying the parents/guardians that their child is in jeopardy of being retained in their current grade due to excessive absences. The issue of attendance will be considered in the recommendation of grade level placement for the following school year.
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