21st Century Teaching Tools

  • Adobe Spark makes graphic design, video creation, and website design quick and easy! This website is a fantastic resource for creating graphics, illustrated quotes, posters, and much much more! Log into the site with your Google Apps account and you’re ready to start designing!
  • Slides Carnival has some fantastic free Google Slides presentation templates for anyone to download and use. Try these to make your presentations more exciting, engaging, and memorable!
  • Plickers (paper clickers) is a free online service that uses dynamic QR codes to quickly and accurately allow you to poll or quiz your class, without them ever needing their own mobile devices!
  • Zamzar is a free online conversion tool can convert almost any type of document into another. It can also be used to download videos from online hosting sites like YouTube and Vimeo.
  • Wordclouds.com is an online application for creating word clouds. You can tweak your completed projects with different font, color, and layout.
  • Kahoot! is a game-based classroom response system for schools, businesses, and universities. Students can compete against each other on whatever device they have at their disposal.
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