June 15, 2022

The Regular Board of Education Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Herkimer Jr./Sr. High School Library Media Center by President Crandall and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.

President Crandall explained that the Board of Education welcomes public comment and community input at meetings. However, we caution that we are not authorized to engage in conversations pertaining to individual students, faculty, staff or administrators. Topics of this nature may only be discussed during executive session and must be coordinated with the Superintendent of Schools prior to a BOE meeting.

Public Comment:

The Board of Education heard no comments from the public.

Approval of the Agenda:

Mr. Carney moved, and Mr. Petucci seconded a motion to formally approve the consent agenda. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0.

Board Recognitions:

President Crandall acknowledged the artwork that was on display from our Elementary as well as Jr./Sr. High School students, as well as the many other items that were included in this month’s Recognition folder – the thank you note from the Lock-In Committee, National Junior Honor Society and National Honor Society Inductees, NYSSMA recital, NYSUT Virtual Art Exhibit, Young at Art Contest and the Oneida-Herkimer School Library Award honoring Ms. Courtney Klock.

Approval of the Minutes:

Ms. Fischer moved, and Mr. Carney seconded a motion to formally approve the Board of Education Regular Meeting minutes from Wednesday, May 18, 2022. Motion carried 6:0.

Business Reports:

Upon the recommendation of Interim Superintendent Tutty, on a motion made by Ms. Gilbert and seconded by Ms. Fischer, the BOE accepts receipt of the May Treasurer’s Report, Revenue Status Report, Appropriation Status Report, General Warrant totaling $1,864,583.87, Capital Warrant totaling $114,721.33, Federal Warrant totaling $542.29, the May Exception Report, the May HHS/HES Extra-Curricular Treasurer’s Report, 2018 Capital Project Change Order Update and five (5) Budget Transfers under the $5,000 total. A brief discussion followed. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0. (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06-15-22)

Budget Transfers Over:

Upon the recommendation of Interim Superintendent Tutty, on a motion made by Ms. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Petucci, the BOE approved one (1) budget transfer over the $5,000 limit totaling $32,000.00. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0. (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06-15-22).

Catholic Charities Prevention Services Coordinator Agreement:

Mr. Carney moved and Ms. Gilbert seconded the following Board resolution:

“BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District hereby approves the attached agreement between the Herkimer County Prevention Council at Catholic Charities of Herkimer County and the Herkimer Central School District as presented. This agreement shall begin September 1, 2022 and shall extend through and including June 30, 2023.

WHEREAS, The Board of Education authorizes the Interim Superintendent of Schools to sign on behalf of the Board to enter into the agreement.”

All voted in favor; Motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06-15-22)

Funding of District Reserves:

Ms. Gilbert moved and Ms. Fischer seconded the following Board resolution:

“WHEREAS, section 3651 (1-a) of the Education Law allows a school board to establish a reserve fund to be known as the Tax Certiorari Reserve to be used for the purpose of paying judgments and claims from a tax certiorari proceeding, in accordance with Article 7 of the Real Property Tax Law; and

“WHEREAS, the Herkimer Central School District Board of Education desires to establish a Tax Certiorari Reserve to pay for anticipated liabilities from pending Article 7 cases:

“IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, The Herkimer Central School District Board of Education hereby establishes a reserve to be known as the Tax Certiorari Reserve effective June 30, 2022 in the amount of $40,000, for the payment of tax certiorari judgments and claims resulting in challenges to the 2022 tax roll.”

“RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District does dissolve the tax certiorari reserve pertaining to the 2018 amount as required. The amount equaling $40,000 will be returned to the unassigned fund balance of the General Fund as of June 30, 2022.

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District does hereby authorize the funding of the Capital Reserve Fund with the excess of 4% from unassigned fund balance at June 30, 2022, after the designated amount for tax reduction has been set. The allocation of such excess fund balance will be determined subsequent to June 30, 2022 and prior to setting the tax levy.”

“RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District does hereby increase the Teachers Retirement System Reserve by $149,000 as of June 30, 2022.”

“RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District does hereby increase the Employees Retirement System Reserve by $345,000 as of June 30, 2022.”

A brief discussion followed. All voted in favor: Motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06-15-22)

Town of Herkimer Tax Collection Agreement:

Ms. Fischer moved and Mr. Carney seconded the following Board resolution:

“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the Interim Superintendent of Schools to sign an agreement between Town of Herkimer (“Town”) and Herkimer Central School District for the collection of school taxes;

THEREFORE, it is the District’s desire to enter into this agreement, effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.”

All voted in favor: Motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06-15-22)

Bailment Agreement:

Ms. Fischer moved, and Ms. Gilbert seconded the following Board resolution:

“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves the Bailment Agreement, dated July 1, 2022, between the Herkimer CSD (the Bailor) and the Herkimer-Fulton-Hamilton-Otsego Board of Cooperative Educational Services (Bailee) as presented to the Board at this meeting, and shall cover various equipment as identified in attached agreement.”

A brief discussion followed. All voted in favor: Motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06-15-22)

Dissolution of Club:

Ms. Fischer moved and Mr. Carney seconded the following Board resolution:

“BE IT RESOLVED, that by the Herkimer Central School Board of Education, the Marcy Ulman Student Council Scholarship account will be dissolved and the remaining balance will be donated to the Marcy Ulman Band Scholarship account.”

All voted in favor: Motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06-15-22)

Creation of Scholarship Account:

Ms. Gilbert moved and Mr. Carney seconded the following Board resolution:

“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the creation of a Scholarship Award in honor of Chick (Francis) Vennera”.

A brief discussion followed. All voted in favor: Motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06-15-22)

Standard Work Day Resolution:

Mr. Petucci moved and Ms. Gilbert seconded the following Board resolution:

“BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District hereby approves the Standard Work Day as per attached revised NYS Local Retirement System Standard Work Day form RS 2418 for the 2021-2022 school year, based upon information provided to the BOE and placed on file as follows (See Standard Work Day form.).”

A brief discussion followed. All voted in favor: Motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06-15-22)

Business Office Update:

Ms. Karen Mettler, part-time Business Manager, informed the Board that the Business Office has been working on closing year end, getting Federal Funds closed out and the DASNY bond. She informed the Board that she expects to close on the capital project Phase I in December and then begin Phase II. A brief discussion followed.

Superintendent Report:

Interim Superintendent Tutty spoke of the efficient Safety Meeting that occurred prior to this evening’s Board meeting and was pleased that many questions were answered. He was also pleased that Chief Jory and our new Superintendent, Mrs. Carney were both involved in the meeting and very focused on safety for our schools…Mr. Tutty informed the Board that he received a letter from the Mayor stating that he and the village Board would like to meet with our school Board, without attorneys involved, to see what is still needed to complete the land swap…Interim Superintendent Tutty stated that there are options with Mr. Carney’s vacant Board seat. If the Board appoints someone, that person can only fill that seat for the remainder of this school year, but if you have another election, then that person could serve for the remaining time on the seat…Lastly, Mr. Luce was present from the Herkimer BOCES Board and gave his overview of why the BOCES Capital project is so important. Mr. Tutty informed the Board that BOCES will try one more vote in hopes of getting it to pass and stressed how crucial this project was to the future of Herkimer BOCES.

Administrative Reports:

Mr. Abbe, Ms. Tomaso and Ms. Vogt gave an overview of their reports, which were all reviewed by the BOE.

Staffing Recommendations:

Mr. Petucci moved, and Ms. Gilbert seconded the motion to table agenda item 7c. Staffing Recommendations until after Executive Session. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0.

CSE/CPSE Program / Placement Recommendations:

Upon recommendation from Interim Superintendent Tutty, on a motion made by Ms. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Petucci, the BOE approved the Committee on Special Education, the Sub-Committee on Special Education and the Committee on Preschool Special Education program/placement recommendations as presented. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0. (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06-15-22)

Part-Time Interim Business Manager Agreement Extension:

Mr. Petucci moved, and Ms. Fischer seconded the following Board resolution:

“RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District extends the contract between Ms. Karen Mettler and the district from the prior Board approved appointment of February 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022 to an extended date of July 31, 2022, and authorizes the President of the Board of Education to sign the agreement”.
All voted in favor: Motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06-15-22)

Board of Education Reports:

MOA – HFA Start/Dismissal Times:

Ms. Fischer moved, and Mr. Carney seconded the following Board resolution:

“WHEREAS, BE IT RESOLVED, that the BOE hereby accepts the Memorandum of Agreement between the Herkimer CSD and the Herkimer Faculty Association (HFA); and, for the Interim Superintendent of Schools to sign the contract on the Boards behalf.”

All voted in favor: Motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06-15-22)

MOA – HEA Agreement:

Ms. Fischer moved, and Ms. Gilbert seconded the following Board resolution:

“WHEREAS, BE IT RESOLVED, that the BOE hereby accepts the Memorandum of Agreement between the Herkimer Central School District and the Herkimer Education Association (HEA); and, for the Interim Superintendent of Schools to sign the contract on the Boards behalf.”

All voted in favor: Motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06-15-22)

Annual Reorganizational Meeting Date:

Ms. Gilbert moved and Mr. Petucci seconded the following Board resolution:

“RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District, does hereby set the Annual Reorganizational Meeting date to be July 6, 2022. “

A brief discussion followed. All voted in favor: Motion carried 6:0 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06-15-22)

Resignation Resolution:

Mr. Carney moved and Mr. Petucci seconded the following Board resolution:

“BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District does hereby accept the resignation of Mr. Michael Carney from his Board of Education seat effective June 30, 2022”.

Motion carried 5:0:1 (Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06-15-22)

Drug and Alcohol Testing Discussion:

Mr. Petucci informed the Board that Ms. Tomaso received a response from Mr. Cameron Daniels, Esq which stated his opinion on the matter, and that this response was attached to the agenda for all to view. It was agreed that this should be discussed at a meeting before doing this again next year.

Future Meeting Dates/Agenda Items:

The next scheduled BOE meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 6, 2022, at 6 p.m. in the Jr./Sr. High School Library Media Center. All agreed on date and time.

President’s Update:

President Crandall commented on the many amazing events that happened in our district over the past week-National Honor Society Induction, National Junior Honor Society Induction and the Senior Awards Ceremony, just to name a few. Mr. Petucci commented how impressive the Awards Ceremony was. Mr. Crandall mentioned that Mr. Carney will be missed on the Board of Education and all agreed. He also thanked Mr. Tutty for helping us when we were in need and all agreed that he will be missed as well.

Meeting Evaluation:

Ms. Gilbert, this evening’s meeting evaluator, presented her review of the June 15, 2022, Board of Education meeting. She was thankful for all the information that was sent and thought the meeting ran smoothly.

Ms. Gilbert moved, and Mr. Carney seconded a motion to move into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel issues. The Board may take action in public session after the Executive Session ends and the Board returns to public session. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0.

Executive Session:

The Board moved into Executive Session at 7:10 p.m.

The Board exited Executive Session at 8:17 p.m.

Mr. Petucci moved, and Mr. Carney seconded a motion to remove from the table, agenda item 7. c. Staffing Recommendations. All voted in favor; motion carried 6:0

Upon the recommendation of Interim Superintendent Tutty, on a motion made by Mr. Petucci, seconded by Mr. Carney the BOE approved the following personnel actions:

Teacher Resignation:

Name: Bishop, Courtney
Position: School Counselor
Location: Jr./Sr. High School
Effective Date: July 10, 2022

Name: Murphy, Cody
Position: Physical Education Teacher
Location: Jr./Sr. High School
Effective Date: August 30, 2022

Name: O’Neil, Jordyn
Position: Licensed Teaching Assistant
Location: Elementary School
Effective Date: June 30, 2022

Name: Oliver, Hayley
Position: English/Special Education Teacher
Location: Jr./Sr. High School
Effective Date: June 30, 2022
Name: Ritzel, Russell
Position: Music Teacher
Location: Jr./Sr. High School
Effective Date: August 31, 2022

Name: Turnbull, Amanda
Position: Social Studies Teacher
Location: Jr./Sr. High School
Effective Date: August 30, 2022

Name: Vickio, Ashley
Position: Kindergarten Teacher
Location: Elementary School
Effective Date: August 31, 2022

Teaching Appointment:

Name: Steele, Alan
Position: .5 Driver’s Education Teacher
Location: Jr./Sr. High School
Effective Date: September 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023
Salary: Step 12 (*) Pro-rated
(*) 2021-2025 Herkimer Faculty Association Contract

Abolishment of Position:

WHEREAS, the Herkimer Central School District has determined that for reasons of economy and efficiency, it is necessary to abolish a certain position;



1. A position or positions in the following tenure area are hereby abolished, effective June 30, 2022
2. It is determined that the following person has the least seniority within this title: Joanna Sweeney
3. It is determined that the above does not have seniority rights in any additional title and thus has no right to transfer to a different title.
4. It is determined that the above identified person shall be, and hereby is placed on a preferred eligible list.

The Interim Superintendent of Schools is hereby directed and authorized to implement these changes in accordance with the Education Laws and applicable collective bargaining agreement.

Tutor Appointment:

Name: Bishop, Courtney
Position: Tutorial Services (District-Wide)
Effective Date: April 1, 2022 – June 24, 2022, as needed
Salary: Per HFA Contract

Name: LaLonde, Jillian
Position: Tutorial Services (District-Wide)
Effective Date: April 1, 2022 – June 24, 2022, as needed
Salary: Per HFA Contract

Name: Oliver, Hayley
Position: Tutorial Services (District-Wide)
Effective Date: April 1, 2022 – June 24, 2022, as needed
Salary: Per HFA Contract

Name: Rosenburgh, Chester
Position: Tutorial Services (District-Wide)
Effective Date: April 1, 2022 – June 24, 2022, as needed
Salary: Per HFA Contract

Name: Sheldon, Nicholas
Position: Tutorial Services (District-Wide)
Effective Date: April 1, 2022 – June 24, 2022, as needed
Salary: Per HFA Contract

2021-2022 Advanced Placement Instructor:

Salary: Per HFA Contract $300 per course

Name: McCutcheon, Heather
· AP Art

Retired Substitute Appointment:

Name: French, JoAnn
Position: Teacher
Location: Elementary School
Effective Date: September 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, as needed
Salary: Based on Annual Payment Guidelines for Substitutes

Name: Jones, Marianne
Position: Teacher
Location: Elementary School
Effective Date: September 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, as needed
Salary: Based on Annual Payment Guidelines for Substitutes

Name: Welch, Kathy
Position: Teacher
Location: Elementary School
Effective Date: September 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, as needed
Salary: Based on Annual Payment Guidelines for Substitutes

Name: Weslowski, Maggie
Position: Teacher
Location: Elementary School
Effective Date: September 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022, as needed
Salary: Based on Annual Payment Guidelines for Substitutes

Summer Appointments:

Name: Crandall, Jayden
Position: Summer Help [District Wide]
Effective Date: July 1, 2022- August 31, 2022 on an as needed basis
Salary: Per NYS minimum wage guidelines

Name: Stapf, Abigail
Position: Summer Help [District Wide]
Effective Date: July 1, 2022- August 31, 2022 on an as needed basis
Salary: Per NYS minimum wage guidelines

Name: Stapf, Nathaniel
Position: Summer Help [District Wide]
Effective Date: July 1, 2022- August 31, 2022 on an as needed basis
Salary: Per NYS minimum wage guidelines

2022-2023 Student Teaching Placement:

Student Teacher: Smithling, Jacob (Utica University)
Certification Area: Secondary Social Studies
Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Nicholas Sheldon/Miss Kelli Shepardson
Location: Herkimer High School
Effective: September 6, 2022 – December 22, 2022

Coaching Recommendations:

Fall 2022 Coaching Appointments*

Name: Jory, Michael
Position: Varsity Football Head Coach

Name: Appley, Daniel
Position: Varsity Football Assistant Coach

Name: Steele, Zachary
Position: Varsity Football Assistant Coach

Name: Luppino, Rocco
Position: Modified Football Head Coach

Name: Hutton, Chelsea
Position: Varsity Cheerleading

Name: Lanahan, Vanessa
Position: Girls Varsity Soccer Head Coach

Name: Crandall, Marissa
Position: Girls Modified Soccer Head Coach

Name: Rosenburgh, Eddy
Position: Boys Varsity Soccer Head Coach

Name: Judd, Ryan
Position: Boys Modified Soccer Head Coach

Name: Elias, Melissa
Position: Varsity/Modified Cross Country Head Coach

Name: Clarke, Scott
Position: Cross Country Assistant Coach

Name: Maldonado, Marissa
Position: Modified Field Hockey Head Coach

Salary Per HFA Contract, may be pro-rated as negotiated

* Conditioned upon a sufficient number of schools participating to merit a season with sufficient student participation to field a team

Fall 2022 Unpaid Coaching Appointment:

Aceto, Antonio – Varsity Football Unpaid Assistant
Garrett, Patrick – Boys Varsity Soccer Unpaid Assistant

Summer School Appointments: (Salary per hourly rate)

Name Days Worked Position
Mary Ellen Clark 8 RN

Summer School Teaching Appointment: (Salary: $50/hour, per MOA dated July 8, 2021)

Name Days Worked Position
Amanda Johnson 16 Classroom teacher

Summer School Substitute Teaching Appointments: (Salary per hourly rate)

Name Position
Hannah Becker Substitute LTA
Janice Wenker Substitute LTA

Summer School Appointments (Amended BOE 05/18/22): (Salary per hourly rate)

Name Days Worked Position
Sandhya Farrington 8 RN

Summer School Teaching Appointments (Amended BOE 05/18/22): (Salary: $50/hour, per MOA dated July 8, 2021)

Name Days Worked Position
Melissa Brown 16 Classroom Teacher
Amberlyn Ellinger 16 Classroom Teacher
Kelly Koegel 16 Classroom Teacher
Marissa Maldonado 16 Classroom Teacher
Roger Maxam 16 Classroom Teacher
Dawn McCumber 16 Classroom Teacher
Jennifer Olds 4 STEM
Stacy Richard 16 Speech Therapist
Maris Sekel 16 Classroom Teacher
Kristin Stallman 16 Classroom Teacher
Heather Wheeler-Stapf 16 Art
Michalyn Winkler 8 STEM

All teaching assignments are pending student enrollment

Summer School Substitute Teaching Appointment (Amended BOE 05/18/22): (Salary: $50/hour, per MOA dated July 8, 2021)

Name Position
Meghan Beyel Substitute Teacher
Samantha Kuyrkendall Substitute Teacher


On a motion made by Ms. Gilbert and seconded by Mr. Carney, the BOE adjourned the public meeting at 8:20 p.m. All voted in favor 6:0.

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