May 11, 2020, minutes

The Regular Board of Education Meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. in the Herkimer Jr./Sr. High School Cafeteria by President Crandall and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.

This meeting was open to the public, but in accordance with current regulations, attendance was limited to no more than 10 people total. The public was also able to view the meeting live via a web link.  A transcript is available upon request.

5-11-20 Meeting video – Part 1 | 5-11-20 Meeting video – Part 2

President Crandall explained to all that the Board of Education sets aside time at each Board meeting to give those in the audience an opportunity to address the Board directly on any subject they wished to discuss.

President Crandall explained the BOE welcomes public comment and community input at meetings. However, we caution speakers that we are not authorized to engage in conversations pertaining to individual students, faculty, staff or administrators.  Topics of this nature may only be discussed during executive session and must be coordinated with the Superintendent of Schools prior to a BOE meeting.

Public Comment

The Board of Education heard no comments from the public.

Approval of the Agenda

Mr. Petucci moved and Mr. Mihevc seconded a motion to formally approve the consent agenda. All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0.

Board Communication

Superintendent Miller indicated that the Board received several informational items that were not included in their Board pack for information only and noted they will be referred to later in the meeting.

Ms. Gilbert moved and Ms. Bray seconded a motion to place all appropriate Board Communications on file with the District Clerk. All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0.

Approval of the Minutes

Mr. Petucci moved and Ms. Fischer seconded a motion to formally approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of Wednesday, April 15, 2020.  All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0.

Business Reports

Budget Presentation

Superintendent Miller provided information relating to the 2020-2021 Budget Presentation via shared Power Point.

Component Budget

A copy of the Component Budget was presented to the BOE for their review only.   A motion to approve the Component Budget made by Mr.Petucci and seconded by Ms. Fischer, all voting in favor; motion carried 7:0.

Adoption of Operations Budget/ Board Vote

Upon recommendation of Superintendent Miller, the following resolution was offered by Ms. Gilbert who moved its adoption and seconded by Mr. Lewis, to wit:


RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, does hereby adopt the 2020-2021 Operations Budget in the amount of $25,175,000 to be presented to district residents for a formal vote on Tuesday, June 9, 2020.

All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0. [Material filed in the supplemental packet dated 05/11/2020]

2020-2021 Property Tax Report Card Adoption

Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Miller, the following resolution was offered by Mr. Mihevc who moved its adoption and seconded by Ms. Gilbert, to wit:

“RESOLVED, the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District does hereby authorize the Superintendent of Schools to submit and certify the property tax report card to the State Education Department (SED) for the 2020-2021 school year”.

All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0. [Material filed in the supplemental packet dated 5/11/2020]

Rescind Component Budget Vote

A discussion followed the Component Budget vote, and it was determined by Superintendent Miller that no vote was needed to approve the Component Budget. On the recommendation by Superintendent Miller, the following vote to be rescinded.

On a motion made by Ms. Fischer, and seconded by Mr. Petucci, all voted in favor; motion carried 7:0 to rescind the vote to approve the Component Budget.

Superintendent’s Reports

Administrative Reports

Ms. Vogt, Ms Paragi, Mr. Abbe and Ms. Tomaso’s reports were all reviewed by the BOE. Brief discussions followed.

Staffing Recommendations

Upon recommendation from Superintendent Miller, on a motion made by Mr. Lewis, seconded by Mr. Petucci, the BOE approved the following personnel action:

Resignation/ Retirement

  • Name: Perkins, Kathy
  • Position:  Academic Intervention (AIS)
  • Effective Date: October 2, 2020

All voted in favor, motion carried 7:0.

Board of Education Reports

President’s Update

President Crandall wanted to make sure that all Board members are getting the emails from NYSSBA. All emails that have been sent recently are keeping up with all the latest information.

Future Meeting Updates

Budget Hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, May 27, 2020 and the next regular Board of Education meeting will follow directly after the Budget Hearing.

Meeting Evaluation

Ms. Fischer was tonight’s meeting evaluator.

On a motion made by Ms. Gilbert seconded by Ms. Fischer the BOE entered into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing litigation and matters leading to the discipline of a particular person. All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0.

Executive Session

Mr. Mihevc left the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

The Board moved into Executive Session 7:05 p.m.

The Board exited Executive Session at 7:43 p.m.


On a motion made by Ms. Bray and seconded by Mr. Petucci the BOE adjourned the public meeting at 7:45 p.m. All voted in favor 6:0.

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