Department of Educational Services and Curriculum

The Department of Educational Services and Curriculum provides a wide scope of services to students in the Herkimer Central School District. These services include remedial education, special education, educational enrichment programming, and pupil personnel services, such as social work, counseling, psychological testing, speech therapy, and occupational therapy.

Academic Intervention Services

The New York State Education Department has mandated that schools provide Academic Intervention Services to students who demonstrate academic weaknesses in content areas tested by the state, whether it’s through the 3-8 testing program or required Regents exams. Placement for these services is determined by their performance on both state and district tests. A notice of the eligibility requirements is posted on the district website. Students who receive this mandated academic support are assigned Learning Center (LC) or Labs (math, science, ELA, social studies) in their class schedules.

Special Education

A Comprehensive Special Education Program is made available to all students identified by the District’s Committee on Special Education (CSE). The committee also consists of the child’s parent, teacher, the school psychologist, social worker, special education teacher, the occupational therapist, the speech therapist and a parent representative. The type and amount of service each child receives are recommended by the CSE after a comprehensive evaluation of the child’s ability has been conducted.

Social Work/Counseling Services

A variety of services is available to the district’s students and parents through the school social worker and/or psychologist. These services include consultations, referrals, and counseling. For long term supports, a referral may be made through the CSE process. Parental permission is required.

Psychological Services

The school psychologist provides evaluation services for students who are referred to the Committee on Special Education (CSE). Parental permission is required for a psychological evaluation, which primarily includes intellectual testing and an educational achievement assessment. In addition, the school psychologist provides consultation to teachers, parents, and students and may be involved in providing counseling services.

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