June 19, 2019, Board of Education minutes

The regular Board of Education meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. in the Jr./Sr. Library Media Center by President Brian Crandall and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.

President Crandall welcomed members in the audience and staff members to this evening’s meeting.   He explained to all that the Board of Education sets aside time at each Board meeting to give those in the audience an opportunity to address the Board directly on any subject they wished to discuss.

The BOE welcomes public comment and community input at meetings.  However, we caution speakers that we are not authorized to engage in conversations pertaining to individual students, faculty, staff or administrators.  Topics of this nature may only be discussed during executive session and must be coordinated with the Superintendent of Schools prior to a BOE meeting.

Public Comment

Two parents both individually addressed the Board with their ongoing CSE concerns. Each thanked the Board respectively for giving them the opportunity to speak.

Newly Elected Student Council President Joseph Carney wanted to introduce himself, as well as explain to the BOE his goals and expectations for the 2019-2020 school year.

Approval of the Agenda

Ms. Giffune moved and Mr. Conley seconded a motion to formally approve the meeting agenda as submitted.  All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0.

Board Communication

Superintendent Miller indicated that the Board received several informational items that were not included in their Board packet for information only and noted they will be referred to later in the meeting.

Mr. Conley moved and Ms. Fischer seconded a motion to place all appropriate Board Communications on file with the District Clerk.  All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0.

Board Recognitions

Superintendent Miller and several BOE members provided the following Board Recognitions:

President Crandall acknowledged Ms. Giffune and Mr. Conley for their dedication and hard work as members of the Board of Education. Mr. Conley will be leaving after serving over 20 years and Ms. Giffune served on the Board for 3 years.

Annual Legal Training

Hogan, Sarzynski, Ly nch, DeWind, & Gregory, LLP

Superintendent Miller introduced Mr. Cameron Daniels, Esq. who will be providing legal training on topics relating to Foster Care, Residency as well discussing the new Red Flag Law.

Public recessed at 6:45 p.m.

Public reconvened at 7:00 p.m.

Approval of the Minutes

Mr. Conley moved and Ms. Fischer seconded a motion to approve the regular BOE meeting minutes of Wednesday, May 29, 2019, as presented.  All voted in favor 7:0.

Business Reports

Upon recommendation of Superintendent Miller, on a motion made by Ms. Gilbert, seconded by Mr. Petucci the BOE accepted receipt  of the May 2019 Treasurer’s Reports, Revenue Status Report, Appropriation Status Report, General Warrant, Capital Warrant, Federal Warrant, Trust and Agency Warrant, Exceptions Report, Expendable Warrant, and  May 2019 HHS/HES Extra- Curricular Treasurer’s Report. All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0. [Material filed in the supplement packet dated 6/19/19].

Budget Transfers

Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Miller, on a motion made by Mr. Petucci, seconded by Mr. Mihevc the BOE approved one budget transfer totaling $ 16,800.00 as presented. All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0 [Material filed in the supplemental packet dated 06/19/19].

Bailment Agreement

Mr. Mihevc moved and Ms. Gilbert seconded a motion to formally approve the resolution as follows:

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves the Bailment Agreement, dated July 1, 2019, between the Herkimer CSD (the Bailor) and the Herkimer-Fulton-Hamilton-Otsego Board of Cooperative Educational Services (Bailee) as presented to the Board at this meeting, a copy of which Bailment Agreement shall be incorporated by reference within the minutes of this meeting.” All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0. [Material filed in the supplement packet dated 6/19/19].

Funding of District Reserves

Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Miller, on a motion made by Mr. Conley, seconded by Ms. Fischer, the BOE accepted the following resolution:

“WHEREAS, section 3651 (1-a) of the Education Law allows a school board to establish a reserve fund to be known as the Tax Certiorari Reserve to be used for the purpose of paying judgments and claims from a tax certiorari proceeding, in accordance with Article 7 of the Real Property Tax Law; and

“WHEREAS, the Herkimer Central School District Board of Education desires to establish a Tax Certiorari Reserve to pay for anticipated liabilities from pending Article 7 cases:

“IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, The Herkimer Central School District Board of Education hereby establishes a reserve to be known as the Tax Certiorari Reserve effective June 30, 2019 in the amount of $40,000, for the payment of tax certiorari judgments and claims resulting in challenges to the 2019 tax roll.”

“RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District does hereby authorize the funding of the Retirement Contribution Reserve Fund with the excess of 4% from unassigned fund balance at June 30, 2019, after the designated amount for tax reduction has been set.  The allocation of such excess fund balance will be determined subsequent to June 30, 2019 and prior to setting the tax levy.”

“RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Herkimer Central School District does hereby increase the EBLAR Reserve by $19,981 as of June 30, 2019.”

All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0 [Materials filed in the Supplemental file dated 6/19/19].

Inter-Municipal Agreement between HCSD & Madison- Oneida BOCES

Superintendent Miller reviewed with the BOE, and Inter-Municipal Agreement between the Herkimer CSD and Madison-Oneida BOCES.  He explained that this agreement allows the Herkimer CSD to share Attorney services with the Madison- Oneida BOCES.

Ms. Fischer made a motion and seconded by Ms. Gilbert. Discussion followed. All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0 [Materials filed in the Supplemental File dated 6/19/19].

Summer Transportation Contract

Upon recommendation of Superintendent Miller, on a motion made by Ms. Fischer, seconded by Ms. Giffune, the BOE hereby authorizes the Superintendent of Schools and the BOE president to execute the Summer Transportation Extension of Transportation Contract effective July 1, 2019 through August 31, 2019, as present.  A copy of said contracts shall be incorporated by reference within the minutes of the meeting. All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0. [Materials filed in the supplemental packet dated 6/19/19.]

School Psychological Service Agreement

Upon recommendation of Superintendent Miller, on a motion made by Ms. Giffune, seconded by Ms.Fischer, the BOE accepted the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Herkimer CSD has the need for an independent contractor to perform the school psychological services set forth herein, and enters into such an agreement with Donna B. Amberman.

WHEREAS, the District desires to hire Donna B. Amberman which shall commence on June 1, 2019 and shall continue in full force and effect through June 30, 2019; per terms and conditions of the agreement. Discussion Followed. All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0. [Materials filed in the supplemental packet dated 6/19/19.]

Town of Herkimer Tax Collection Agreement

Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Miller, on a motion made by Mr. Petucci, seconded by Mr. Conley, the BOE approved the following resolution:

“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to sign an agreement between Town of Herkimer (“Town”) and Herkimer Central School District for the collection of school taxes;

THEREFORE, it is the Districts desire to enter in this agreement, effective July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.”

All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0 [Materials filed in the supplemental packet dated 6/19/19.]

Superintendent’s Report

  • The IDEA and VP tech Grants for 2019-20 totaling about $700,000 have been submitted.  The 2019-20 UPK and Title Grants are under construction and all of our allocations seem to be in line with last year.  We have also received two cafeteria grants through OHM BOCES totaling about $40,000 for the purchase of needed equipment at both buildings.
  • Handouts on the table are the June 2019 budget summary, the five year expenditure projection, the June 2019 revenue projection, and a reserve and fund balance projection/financial plan.  We may show a deficit this year because of our transfer of funds to the capital fund for the 2018 project. This is simply an accounting deficit because our general fund revenues exceeded our general fund expenditures by about $750,000 or 3% in 2018-19.
  • We have completed a large portion of our hiring, and we will have one or two more elementary positions to fill in July/August.  We will be posting in July for a mental health staff for appointment at the August meeting as well as for one long-term leave.   We will be making several departmental transfers in order to balance seniority, as well as meet students’ needs in the district.  With any change, it is important as a District to make sure it is an effective and efficient operation.
  • We will be working to update our mentor plan with the teachers unit for next year.   We will review our PDP plan as well.  Likely we will be modifying our APPR plan in the near future as the regulation changes this year become clearer.
  • Both the CSEA contract and HFA contract expire in 2019-20 so our negotiating team will be quite busy in 2019-20 and likely 2020-21 as we finish up negotiations in that time frame.  Policy committee will look to continue the review of our manual in 2019-20.  The building committee will be overseeing the completion of the 2014 project and the implementation of the 2018 project as well as the 2019-20 capital outlay project.  Intergovernmental committee work could focus on the land swap, the sewer project, and a master plan for parks and recreation.
  • Important dates: Saturday June 22, at noon high school graduation Myers Park.  Monday June 24, at 6pm Pre K celebration HES, and Tuesday June 25, at 7 pm the- 5th grade celebration.
  • NYSSBA – 100th Annual Convention & Education Expo- Rochester NY. October 24-26, 2019. Registration opens on July 15, 2019, please contact Sherry Farrington if you are interested in attending.

Staffing Recommendations

Mr. Mihevc moved and Ms. Gilbert seconded a motion to table agenda item 9.A. Staffing Recommendations until after an executive session; motion carried 7:0.

CSE/CPSE Program/ Placement Recommendations

Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Miller, on a motion made by Ms. Giffune, seconded by Mr. Petucci, the BOE approved the Committee on Special Education, the Sub-Committee on Special Education and the Committee on Preschool Special Education program/placement recommendations as presented.  All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0. [Material filed in the supplemental file dated 06/19/19.]

Board of Education Reports

Policy Review

Waiving Readings for Adoption

Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Miller, the following resolution was amended by Mr. Conley who moved its adoption and seconded by Mr. Petucci to wit:

WHEREAS, it is customary practice of the BOE to have three readings of a policy prior to its adoption; and

WHEREAS, the BOE wishes to adopt a policy recommended by the Policy Committee, to wit,

  • # 7102 Student Medications; and ,
  • The following Regulations; #7102.1; #7102.2; #7102.3

FUTHERMORE, per the Policy Committee’s recommendation the Policy Service concurred with the Committee’s suggestion to remove the following policies: #6001; #6002; #6100; #6103; #6105; #6107; #6303; #6304; #6501; #6503.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the BOE hereby waives the BOE’s customary practice of three readings prior to the adoption of the policies. The BOE also adopts the following policies as well as the removal of the recommended policies which are all incorporated by reference in the minutes of this meeting. All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0.

President’s Update

On behalf of the BOE, President Crandall extended his best wishes to Mark Conley and Patricia Giffune.

President Crandall reminded the BOE to let Sherry Farrington know if you a will be attending this Saturdays High School Graduation, as there is reserved seating for the Board of Education members.

Board of Education Member Update

Mr. Petucci wanted to recognize the Herkimer Middle School 6th Grade Spring Concert. It was an excellent concert and they had an amazing turnout.

Mr. Conley wanted to thank the Board of Education, Administration, and the Community. It was a pleasure to serve on the Board of Education for over 20 years.

Future Meeting Update

Superintendent Miller reminded the Board that the next meeting scheduled Board of Education is Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 6 p.m. in the Jr./Sr. Cafeteria. This meeting is our Annual Board Reorganization/ Regular BOE meeting and Superintendent Miller did confirmed a quorum would be present for the meeting.

Meeting Evaluation

Mr. Petucci was tonight’s meeting evaluator, presented his review of the June 19, 2019 Board of Education meeting. It was a good meeting, great presentation by Attorney Cameron Daniels, as well as this meeting had great open communication.  All aspects of the meeting evaluation were met.

Mr.Conley moved and Ms. Gilbert seconded a motion to move into executive session for the purpose of discussing matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person as well as discussion of a student issue.  The Board may take action in public session after the executive session ends and the Board returns to public session. All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0.

Executive Session

The Board moved into Executive Session at 7:25 p.m.

President Crandall declared the public meeting reconvened at 8:12 p.m.

Mr. Petucci moved and Ms. Fischer seconded a motion to remove from the table; agenda item 9.A. Staffing Recommendations. Discussion followed. Ms. Giffune abstaining; motion carried 6:0:1.

Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Miller, on a motion made by Mr. Petucci and seconded by Ms. Fischer, the BOE approved the following personnel action:

Staffing Recommendations:


  • Ferguson, Lindsey, School Psychologist, effective August 31, 2019 and including any applicable Memorandum of Agreement.
  • Treen, Kiley, Agriculture Educator/ Technology, effective August 31, 2019

Teaching Appointment(s):

To the extent required by the applicable provisions of Education Law Section 2509, 2573, 3213 and 3014, in order to be granted tenure, the classroom teacher or building principal shall have received composite or overall annual professional performance review ratings pursuant to Education Law 3012-d of either effective or highly effective in at least (3) of the four (4) preceding years.  If the classroom teacher or building principal receives an ineffective composite or overall rating in the final year of the probationary period, he or she shall not be eligible for tenure at that time. For purposes of this subdivision, classroom teacher and building principal mean a classroom teacher or building principal as such terms are defined in Sections 30-2.2 and 30-3.2 of the Part.

Lalonde, Jullian

  • Tenure Area(s): Secondary English and Special Education
  • Effective Dates: August 1, 2019-July 31, 2023
  • Salary: Step 9 per the 2016-2020 HFA contract

Baker, Talia

  • Tenure Area: Secondary Science, Agriculture, General Business Education, Industrial Arts-General (Technology Education)
  • Effective Dates: September 3, 2019-September 2, 2023
  • Salary: Step 4 per the 2016-2020 HFA contract

Steele, Zachary

  • Tenure Area: Secondary Social Studies
  • Effective Dates: August 1, 2019- July 31, 2023
  • Salary: Step 1 per the 2016-2020 HFA contract

Witter, Rachael

  • Tenure Area: Secondary Science
  • Effective Dates: August 1, 2019-July 31, 2023
  • Salary: Step 1 per the 2016-2020 HFA contract

Schneider, Joshua

  • Tenure Area: Secondary Mathematics
  • Effective Dates: August 1, 2019-July 31, 2023
  • Salary: Step 10 per the 2016-2020 HFA contract

Jecko, Vanessa

  • Tenure Area: Physical Education
  • Effective Dates: August 1, 2019-July 31, 2023
  • Salary: Step 1 per the 2016-2020 HFA contract

Long-term Substitute(s)

Futscher, James

  • Position: Students with Disabilities Grade 7-12
  • Effective Date: July 1, 2019
  • Salary: Reference Item III of the Annual Payment Guidelines for Substitutes

Rosenburgh IV, C. Eddy

  • Position: Mathematics
  • Effective Date: July 1, 2019
  • Salary: Reference Item III of the Annual Payment Guidelines for Substitutes

2019 Fall Interscholastic Coaching Appointment

Clarke, Scott

  • Position: Assistant Cross Country Coach
  • Salary: per the Athletic Salary Schedule in the 2016-2020 HFA contract

Summer School Appointment(s)

Name Duration Pay
Briggs, Debbie 16 days $16.27/hour
Brown, Melissa 16 days 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract
Bryant, Cheryl 16 days $17.87/hour
Caiola, Brittany 16 days 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract
Chilelli, Ninfa 16 days $16.87/hour
Davis, Deborah 16 days 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract
Denton, Heather 8 days 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract
Farrington, Sandhya 14 days $26.78/hour
Jones, Michelle 12 days 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract
Kirkpatrick, Brenna 8 days 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract
Kirkpatrick, Shelley 16 day 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract
Knowlton, Deborah 8 days 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract
Kuyrkendall, Samantha Substitute 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract
MacKenzie, Maria 16 days $17.87/hour
McCutcheon, Heather 4 days 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract
Nare, Jennette 16 days 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract
Olds, Jennifer 8 days 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract
Peyton, Leah 4 days 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract
Saunders, Nancy Substitute $20.00/hour
Sommer, Ashley Substitute $16.13/hour
Spanfelner, Brenda 16 days $17.87/hour
Spence, Kelly 4 days 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract
Staph-Wheeler, Heather 4 days 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract
Wenke, Janice 16 days $16.13/hour
Zayas, Brittany 2 days 1/200th of step 15 of the 2016-2020 HFA contract

Sick Bank Request

Beardsley, Sara

Position: Mathematics

Be it resolved, that the Herkimer BOE authorized the use of nine (9) additional sick bank days; beyond the 30 days that was prior BOE approved on 04/10/19.


On a motion made by Mr. Conley, and seconded by Ms. Giffune the BOE adjourned the public meeting at 8:17 p.m. All voted in favor; motion carried 7:0.

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