Staff Directory
Search for faculty and staff by typing one of these options in the box below:
- first name
- last name
- school
- job title
You must enter a minimum of three (3) characters in the search box above.
Search tip: Use partial word searches to broaden and expand the possible results of your search. For example if the last name of the person you are looking for is ‘Peterson’, and you weren’t sure if it was spelled ‘Peterson’ or ‘Petersen’, searching on ‘Pete’ will return all records with ‘Pete’ in any of the fields. If you don’t know who you are looking for, start by calling the contacts listed on this page.
District Administration

Kathleen Carney
Superintendent of Schools
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1304

Gina McKernan
Superintendent’s Secretary & District Clerk
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1304

Chad Hess
School Business Manager
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1303

Michele Gilbert
District Treasurer
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1302

Zachary Abbe
High School Principal
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1312

Maria Lindsay
Middle School Principal
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1312

Nicole Crandall
Assistant Middle-High School Principal
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1312

Renee Vogt
Elementary Principal
Phone: (315) 866-8562 ext. 1010

Cristi Paragi
Assistant Elementary Principal and Athletic Director
Phone: (315) 866-8562 ext. 1010

Michelle Ploss
Director of Student Programs & Curriculum
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1003

Correne Holmes
CPSE/CSE Chairperson
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1003
Questions & Concerns: Who do I contact?
Classroom, Instructional and Curriculum Concerns
- Initial Contact: Teacher
- Level 2: Principal
- Level 3: Director of Student Programs and Curriculum
- Level 4: Superintendent
- Initial Contact: Teacher
- Level 2: Assistant Principal
- Level 3: Principal
- Level 4: Superintendent
- Initial Contact: Teacher
- Level 2: School Counselor
- Level 3: Principal
- Level 4: Superintendent
- Initial Contact: Coach
- Level 2: Athletic Director
- Level 3: Principal
- Level 4: Superintendent
- Initial Contact: School Secretary
- Level 2: School Counselor/Teacher
- Level 3: Principal
- Level 4: Superintendent
- Initial Contact: Principal
- Level 2: Superintendent
- Level 3: Board of Education
- Level 4: —
Facilities Use – Building/Room
- Initial Contact: School Secretary
- Level 2: Principal
- Level 3: Building Maintenance Mechanic
- Level 4: District Office/Superintendent
Facilities Use – Athletic Areas
- Initial Contact: Athletic Director
- Level 2: Building Maintenance Mechanic
- Level 3: District Office/Superintendent
- Level 4: —
Food Services
- Initial Contact: Cafeteria Manager
- Level 2: Food Services Director
- Level 3: Principal
- Level 4: Superintendent
Health/Medical Issues
- Initial Contact: School Nurse
- Level 2: Principal or Athletic Director
- Level 3: Director of Student Programs and Curriculum
- Level 4: Superintendent
Special Education
- Initial Contact: Special Education Teacher
- Level 2: Principal/CSE Chair
- Level 3: Director of Student Programs and Curriculum
- Level 4: Superintendent
- Initial Contact: Bus Driver (if possible)
- Level 2: Transportation Supervisor
- Level 3: Principal
- Level 4: Superintendent
Departments & Services
Buildings & Grounds
Buildings/Maintenance: James McKernan
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1350
Counseling & Student Support
High School Counselor: Carolyn Saugh
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1317
Middle School Counselor: Heather Paul
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1316
Elementary School Counselor: Sara Lamanna
Phone: (315) 866-8562 ext. 1021
School Psychologist: Kelley Thorp
Phone: (315) 866-8562 ext. 1050
Middle-High School Social Worker: Jessica L. Alberts
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 3206
Middle-High School Social Worker: Kayla Klink
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1353
Elementary Social Worker: Amanda Cruikshank
Phone: (315) 866-8562 ext. 2051
Prevention Coordinator: Crystal Gerhardt
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1355
Civil Rights Compliance and Discrimination/Sexual Harassment Officer: Michelle Ploss
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1003
McKenny-Vento Homeless Liaison/Foster Child Point of Contact/Homeschool District Contact: Michelle Ploss
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1003
Food Services
Food Services Director: Kate Dorr
via Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES
Phone: (315) 738-0848
Elementary Cafeteria Manager: Becky Lockwood
Phone: (315) 866-8562 ext. 1037
Middle-High School Cafeteria Manager: Alice Coleman
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1352
Home Instruction
Home Instruction
Phone: (315) 867-2607
Information Technology Office
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1333
Elementary School Nurse: Sandhya Farrington
Phone: (315) 866-8562 ext. 1022
Middle-High School Nurse: Karen Vincent
Phone: (315) 866-2230 ext. 1322
Transportation Supervisor: Andrew Jory
via Birnie Bus
Phone: (315) 895-4150
Elementary contact
255 Gros Boulevard, Herkimer, NY 13350
Phone: (315) 866-8562
Fax: (315) 866-8568
Principal: Renee Vogt
Assistant Principal: Cristi Paragi
Attendance: (315) 866-8562 ext. 1022
Middle-High School contact
801 West German St., Herkimer, NY 13350
Phone: (315) 866-2230
Fax: (315) 866-8595
High School Principal: Zachary Abbe
Middle School Principal: Maria Lindsay
Assistant Principal: Nicole Crandall
Attendance: (315) 866-2230 ext.1322
Updating your contact information
To update your contact information on file with the district, please contact the main office of your child’s school.