Middle school students earn character trait certificates

During each quarter this year, the middle school is focusing on a different character trait which is designed to improve and enhance character development and social emotional learning. Students in grades 6-8 who exemplify that trait are being recognized by the school. For the first quarter, the school recognized 12 students for demonstrating the trait of “respect.” Those students include: (grade 6) Amelia Hansen, Ryder Korniat, Claudia Luce, and Nicholas Yocum; (grade 7) Nicholas Allen, Christiana Leal-Fowler, Phillip Palmer, and Jocelyn Vincent; and (grade 8) Arthur Dadello, Anna Marquissee, Morgan Ann Randall, and Ross Richard.

Please see quotes below why each student was chosen.

Grade 6

Amelia Hansen: Amelia shows respect everyday in school in both her actions and words. She always raises her hand if she has a question or wants to share something in class. She is always ready to lend a helping hand to her classmates by letting them borrow a charger or pencil. Amelia never runs or yells in the hallway, showing she respects the rules of middle school. Amelia is patient if she has a question, and waits until her teachers call on her showing, respect to her teachers. She is always on time and ready to get to work, showing respect toward her teachers and her education. Great job Amelia showing us what respect looks like everyday.

Ryder Korniat: Ryder was chosen to represent the character trait respect because he shows respect everyday to his teachers and classmates in his actions. He is prepared for class when the bell rings, and always raises his hand when in class. Ryder participates in classes and adds to classroom discussions. Ryder is helpful to his classmates and teachers, and this is how he shows respect. Ryder respects the rules of the classroom and school everyday without question. Way to go Ryder. and keep being a role model.

Claudia Luce: Claudia shows respectful behavior every day in the classroom and in school, which is why she was chosen to represent the character trait of respect. She always raises her hand with questions and waits to be called on. She never hesitates to ask questions and always waits for the teacher to call on her. Claudia is helpful to her classmates and teachers. She does not run or yell while in the hallways. and is prepared when she comes to class.  Claudia is on time for her classes. and that shows her respect for her teachers and her own education. Great job Claudia in representing what a respectful student is all about!

Nicholas Yocum: Nick was chosen to represent the character trait respect because he always treats his classmates and teachers with respect.  He raises his hand when he has a question, asks permission when he needs to do something, never raises his voice or runs in the halls.  His work is done and handed in on time which shows that he respects his teachers and the work they are assigning him.  Great job Nick showing all of us what respect looks like.

7th Grade

Nicholas Allen: Nick is a student who demonstrates a strong respect for self.  He sets a high standard of expectations for his work, his behavior in class, and his reputation as a magician. This is evident in the high grades he earns, the quality of his work that he always completes, and the respect many of his peers reflect back to him.

Christiana Leal-Fowler: Christiana takes a genuine interest in how each of her teachers are experiencing the day.  She is quick to ask “How are you today?” and will always attentively listen to the response given.  She extends great care for the resources of the school, and always asks permission before using items that many others simply assume are free for the taking.  She is a strong example for us all not on how to expect the ‘All to sacrifice for the One,’ as that is too easy… rather, she shows us all what it means to live the difficult mindset whereby the One is willing to sacrifice for All.  She does this daily with both honesty and integrity.

Philip Palmer: Phillip always follows the classroom rules, and I have never observed Phillip act or say anything disrespectful. He works to the best of his ability. He is always respectful when he enters another classroom. He always says please and thank you.

Jocelyn Vincent: Jocelyn is one of the first students to arrive in the morning, and always begins by opening her Google Classroom work and preparing for the day.  These preparations ensure that she is using her time, the classes’ time, and her teachers’ time respectfully.  She is patient when needing to ask a question, and respects the time needed to help answer the questions of her peers.

8th Grade

Arthur Dadello: Arthur is always polite, respectful, and courteous to his teachers and his peers. He makes sure to say good morning, and to have a good day during each class period.

Anna Marquissee: Even though she is very quiet, Anna is full of respect and kindness. She shows respect in class, the hallways, and in extra-curricular activities.

Morgan Ann Randall: Morgan is such a sweet girl. Not only does she show respect to those around her, but she is always willing to help others or her teachers.

Ross Richard: Ross has a great personality, and has been raised to respect everyone around him.



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