Next Conversation Corner with Middle/High School Counseling Department scheduled for Nov. 21

Parents are invited to join the Middle/High School Counseling Department for the next Conversation Corner from 5-6 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 21, in the Jr./Sr. High School Library Member Center.

Conversation Corner is presented by the Middle/High School counselors and school resource officer.

For the Nov. 21 event, social workers Ms. Carpineti and Mrs. Klink will provide a presentation followed by questions in regards to mental health awareness.

Please RSVP for this event. There is an RSVP attached to the ParentSquare message, which you can access by clicking here.

View more information in the image below. Members of the Middle School/High School Counseling Department hope you can join them on Nov. 21 and look forward to speaking with you.

November Conversation Corner flyer



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