New York State Senator Peter Oberacker visited Herkimer Jr./Sr. High School on Wednesday, March 16, to visit classrooms, speak to students, and present a Senate resolution to art teacher Heather McCutcheon proclaiming March as Youth Art Month in the state of New York.
Oberacker was treated to a performance by the jazz band and visited multiple classrooms where he answered questions from students. He spent time in both the art and agriculture classrooms, shared his support for the programs, and talked about agriculture-related career options.
“Agriculture is the pipeline that feeds what I do in my everyday job,” he said to the agriculture students. “Thank you for doing what you’re doing.”
When he visited the art room and the advanced art class, Oberacker (whose daughter is an art teacher) said he was excited to see the students’ work.
He also presented a Senate resolution proclaiming March, 2022, as “Youth Art Month,” and read it in front of the class.
“Our legislative body recognizes the importance of art in education as being necessary for the full development of all children, challenging the intellect, while teaching lessons about order, proportion, and genius,” he said.