HES students practicing gratitude

Each month, Herkimer Elementary students focus on a different character trait through the school’s “Be.” program. In November, “Thankful” is the character trait the school is focusing on.

Parents are encouraged to talk with their children throughout the month about what they are thankful for, and different ways to show their appreciation. Below are some tips for practicing gratitude from the HES School Counseling office:

  1. SAY PLEASE AND THANK YOU. Our manners show that we do not believe we are entitled to anything, and that in fact, we appreciate whatever comes our way.
  2. HELP SOMEONE LESS FORTUNATE. This could be your neighbor down the street, grandma, or someone you know who is in a tough spot.
  3. VOLUNTEER. Help out at a homeless shelter, soup kitchen, or nonprofit.
  4. SEND OUT THANK YOU CARDS. Express your gratitude for those who have added value to your life.
  5. LOOK FOR AWE-INSPIRING MOMENTS IN YOUR DAY. If the sunset is particularly beautiful, comment on it. If the sound of the baby’s laughter warms your heart, tell your children. Encourage them to look for their awe-inspiring moments and share them with you.
  6. SHARE YOUR GRATITUDE AT BEDTIME. Take five minutes at the end of the day to ask your child what he is thankful for that day.
  7. SHARE YOUR GRATITUDE AT THE DINNER TABLE. Take a moment at dinner time to share what you are thankful for. Go around the table, allowing each family member a chance to vocalize their gratitude.
  8. COMPLIMENT OTHERS. Encourage your children to do the same. Share things you appreciate about another person.
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