Brooke Jones is a 2012 graduate of Herkimer High School. She teaches high school English and Resource Room.
Did anyone from Herkimer Central School District influence you in becoming who you are today?
The best thing about going to school at Herkimer is the teachers and how much they care, not only academically, but about students personally as well. The biggest influence I had at Herkimer High School was Mrs. Ploss. She was my 12th grade English teacher. She came into our class with such energy everyday and helped us with class work and college work flawlessly.
What’s your favorite high school memory?
My favorite high school memory was being Student Council president. I loved working with a team in order to organize events for the students and our community.
What year did you start teaching at Herkimer?
I started teaching in 2016.
What is your favorite thing about teaching at Herkimer?
The atmosphere that the students and faculty and staff bring to Herkimer make this school the best place to work. I am excited to go to work everyday knowing I get to see some of my favorite people.
What advice would you give to your students?
I would advise all students to enjoy their time at Herkimer High School, embrace all that the valley has to offer, and be proud that they get to be from this amazing area.