Meet Jimmy Ichihana

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The Herkimer Central School District Spotlight showcases student, graduate and staff member successes. If you know someone who should be in the Spotlight, please fill out this Spotlight nomination form.

Jimmy Ichihana is a 2004 graduate of Herkimer High School.

What’s your favorite high school memory? 

I have lots of great memories from HHS. I loved running cross country and track, planning for events with student council and practicing for quiz team at lunch. I was fortunate to have friends and teachers that made school a fun place to be.

What have you been doing since you graduated high school?

I studied industrial engineering and economics at Rochester Institute of Technology. After graduating from RIT, I joined Teach for America and move to Marianna, Arkansas, where I taught high school math. I met my wife, Lois, who was teaching elementary art in Mississippi and we moved to Madrid for a year to teach English (and study magic! Madrid is currently home to some of the best card magicians in the world). When we returned to the U.S., we spent a year in New York City and now live in Orlando, Florida. I work as a financial analyst for TNTP (The New Teacher Project), and spend my spare time performing magic and hanging out with our 4-month-old son, baby Theo.

Did anyone from Herkimer Central School District influence you in becoming who you are today? If so, in what way?

I had countless teachers that were encouraging, supportive and caring. A standout from high school was Mr. Turner. He had an enthusiasm for learning that was contagious. He modeled how to be a lifelong learner and showed how having fun and learning can run in parallel. Mr. Turner’s lessons were so memorable that fifteen years later, while at a friend’s wedding, we still brought up a project from his class.

What advice do you have for current Herkimer High School students?

Have fun, be kind, work hard and be open to the opportunities that come your way.

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