Parents of Herkimer Jr./Sr. High School students are invited to a virtual Open House on Oct. 8, and all you need to attend is your free ParentSquare account.
Material presented during the Open House can also be seen here:
- Meet the Teachers (Google Slides presentation)
- Clubs and Class Advisers (Google Slides presentation)
However, please note that these presentations work best on a laptop or desktop computer (rather than a mobile device). Parents can use their student’s Chromebook to view the material.
During the Open House, parents will be able to review updates from each of their child’s teachers between 6-7 p.m. in ParentSquare. Then, from 7-8 p.m., teachers will be available to “chat” with parents via ParentSquare. Parents can message a teacher with any questions during that time to receive a direct response.
The updates posted by teachers will continue to be available in Parent Square following the Open House, for any parents who may not be able to view them on Oct. 8. Parents are welcome to message teachers via ParentSquare any time, and teachers will respond as their schedules permit.
About ParentSquare
The district began using ParentSquare, a parent communications platform, at the start of the 2020-21 school year. Each parent has been invited to create an account so that messages, news and updates can be shared between school and home.
So far, 98% of Herkimer Jr./Sr. High School parents have set up their ParentSquare accounts and begun receiving messages from the school. If you are one of the few who have not already done so, please download the ParentSquare app today or visit and sign up for your account using the email address you provided to the school.